The Lowry Letter®

The Lowry Letter® - 1/15/2020

We’ve written before about Joe, Jr and Lacy chairing the 2020 Gainesville Heart Ball. If anyone is interested in attending or participating, more information on tickets and support are available at the following link: 2020 Gainesville Heart Ball

The Lowry Letter® - 1/8/2020

We are excited to begin the New Year in earnest this week, after what seems like a very long (and enjoyable) run of holiday activities.

The Lowry Letter® - 1/1/2020

A more contemplative Lowry Letter® to being the new year, and some 2020 resolutions.

The Lowry Letter® - 12/18/19

Welcome to the final Lowry Letter of 2019! First, some housekeeping: our office will be closed on Dec 24th, though we will be checking messages if any urgent needs arise.

Of course, we will be closed on Dec 25th, resuming normal operations on the 26th.
We did not record a new song this season, but are happy to share last year’s rendition of White Christmas.

The Lowry Letter® - 12/13/19

We know that not all of our clients observe Christmas, but for those that do we think you will enjoy this beautiful new depiction of the Nativity (18 minutes via YouTube).


We hope that you enjoy the remainder of this week’s letter!

The Lowry Letter® - 12/4/19

The final month of the year is upon us. We recommend considering the following steps, if applicable to you:


·Charitable giving: If you have any donations to make, consider using Qualified Charitable Distributions if over 70 ½, or appreciated securities from taxable accounts. Either of these may be more tax-efficient than cash contributions.


·Adjust retirement plan contributions: A few weeks ago, we shared the updated contribution amounts. Making those adjustments effective for Jan 1 can insure that you maximize contributions..

The Lowry Letter® - 11/25/19

We have much to be grateful for. We live in a prosperous time. Many of the dangers that were commonplace for our ancestors are far from our personal experience. We face other challenges they did not have to deal with, but as another Thanksgiving comes, we can’t help but feel that gratitude.


We are thankful for the trust and excellent relationships we enjoy with you. This week, some things to be thankful for.

The Lowry Letter® - 11/18/19

We have a few IRS-related items in this week’s letter (including in Ask the Joes®) and hope you find them helpful. Tax revenues hit an all-time high during the most recent fiscal year, but spending continues to increase.

The Lowry Letter® - 11/11/19

National Financial Services is making a more comprehensive annual statement available to clients who request one by November 15th. This statement is of greatest value to those of your who use brokerage accounts for cash management and regular banking. For most others, the standard statement is sufficient.

Please let us know by the 15th if you would like one. We hope you enjoy this week’s letter!

The Lowry Letter® - 11/5/19

We love November. The weather finally gets a littler cooler in Gainesville and Thanksgiving brings all the best aspects of a holiday- extra family time and good food, without some of the stress of the other special days.


November is also Men’s Health Awareness month. Since Joe Sr’s successful bout with prostate cancer several years ago, the cause is even nearer to our hearts. As a result, you may spot a little more facial hair than normal during “No-shave November.” We’ll be supporting the Prevent Cancer Foundation this month and invite you to do the same.